T.I.E.R.S Out of Poverty Training
Together Informing Existing Realities Successfully Out of Poverty (T.I.E.R.S) overall goal is to enable participants, whom shall be called "investigators" to examine their own experiences of poverty as well as explore issues within the community that impact poverty such as lack of financial means (employment, banking), housing, jobs, transportation etc. Investigators provide critical information the community can use t take action and decrease poverty. We (facilitators) guide investigators through an assessment of their own resources and how to build those resources and how to build those resources as part of their self-sufficiency. By placing concepts tools and relationships in the hands of of people in poverty to make a difference in their own lives and in the life of others is empowering the individual as well as reviving our communities.
Health Starts Where You Live: Community Resource & Health-Wellness Fair 2021